Thanks for pointing out that Watchtower article. It's simply a marketing tool for their own version, but I wonder why they had to write it.
Its thrust is that others made mistakes but the Watchtower's Bible has fixed them. Indeed, the WTS says it has even improved its own version.
I doubt that any modern translator would advertise that they relied on the Masoretic Text and on Westcott and Hort. The WTS need to drag themselves out of the 19th and early 20th centuries.
Despite their trumpeting of its use of "Jehovah" (even in their NT, which beggars belief), I wonder when they will drop that absurd word, pretending that this was the "Name" (Ha Shem). If they wish to follow the pronunciation from the German scholars, the first letter of "Jehovah" is soft, like the letter "Y" as in "yellow". I know this because of my mother's maiden name (Jellinek). The closest true revelation should be "Yahweh" - not that he started out as the Supreme God; that honour belongs to EL - the God of Genesis 1.